Simple Stories in Chinese Podcast

Welcome to my Simple Stories in Chinese podcast, a podcast where I narrate short/simple stories with a mix of Chinese and English. These are great for beginners and can help intermediate Chinese students improve too.

I created this podcast because, after being asked by my students for podcasts to help them learn Chinese, I realized that there aren't all that many. So, I created my own. 

Below is running list of all the podcast episodes. I hope you enjoy!

***Access to the transcripts for each episode >> HERE!***

你好 nǐhǎo!Hi, welcome to Chinese with Mabel!Today, I am excited to share

你好 nǐhǎo!Hi, welcome to Chinese with Mabel!Today, let's journey into the countryside

Suscribe to Download the Transcripts & Flashcards and More...你好,欢迎收听第3期Simple Stories in Chinese

Suscribe to Download the Transcripts & Flashcards and More...Today’s story is one

Suscribe to Download the Transcripts & Flashcards and More...你好,欢迎收听第2期Simple Stories in Chinese
